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GCMS Notes is incredibly especially extremely comprehensive and most accurate.
Global Case Management System (GCMS) is a softare system currently used for processing applications by (IRCC). The GCMS notes are the only accurate way of providing a detailed record of an applicant’s file, thus providing valuable information on the current status and future processing of your application.
GCMS Notes helps you to
Track Application Status
Get detailed information on the progress of your application.
Obtain submitted Documents
Documents misplaced? Obtain copies of all the documents submitted from CIC.
Get detailed application refusal reasons
Get detailed case history including officers’ analysis, reasoning and notes of your file at each stage.
Ensure updates made to your file have reached CIC
If you have made any major updates to your file after ITA,make sure that it has reached the officer reviewing your file.
Prepare for next steps
Obtain upcoming steps of your application process including information if an interview is to be scheduled or additional documents required.
Understand your file in detail
Learn how your file gets processed through different stages.Get reviews of officers' of your application and may get an estimate of how long will it take for your application processing.
No reply yet from CIC?
No updates on your application from CIC? GCMS notes is the only way of getting accurate information about your application status.
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